The insurance company Asepeyo has granted 40 Biscay companies a bonus for their management in occupational hazard prevention during fiscal year 2014, including Prosertek. This is an economic incentive for the professional contingency quotas granted by the Directorate General for the Management of Social Security, through the insurance company.
To this end, representatives from all these mutual companies recently went to the insurance company’s assistance centre in Bilbao to participate in the diploma ceremony, accrediting having obtained this bonus.
A bonus of 182,060 euros for these 40 recognised mutual companies. All of them effectively contributed in a verifiable way to the reduction of occupational hazards, conducting effective actions to prevent workplace accidents and occupational illness, as explained by Asepeyo regarding the purpose of the incentive system.
The incentive is the monetary representation of something priceless: the safety of people, and hazard prevention. This is why Prosertek has allotted resources, staff, etc., to obtain the OHSAS 18001:2007 (for security and workplace health management systems), certified by the Asociación Española de Normalización y Certificación (Spanish Standardisation and Certification Association) (AENOR), which it has already obtained.
As AENOR explains, standard OHSAS 18001:2007 establishes the requirements that a workplace safety management system must meet, so that organisations can effectively control the hazards related to its activities, constantly improving performance.
What does OHSAS 18001 provide? An improvement in workplace health and safety management, demonstrating a commitment to meeting current legislation’s requirements, and identifying potential emergency situations, determining deficiencies in the management system and facilitating integration of quality management, environmental and health and safety systems at the workplace.
Based on this policy and philosophy where safety is one of the pillars, Prosertek’s equipment rigorously meets occupational health and safety standards. For example, this is the case with the boarding bridges, and in general, all the port equipment designed and manufactured by the company, subject to strict quality controls. And this is endorsed by all the certificates obtained.
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